inappropration by sam tufnell feat

“Inappropration” by Sam Tufnell [New York]

Sam Tufnell’s much anticipated first major NY solo is now on. Tufnell, an SVA graduate, exploded on to the art scene a few years ago with his unique style of visually appealing yet underlying satirical illuminated sculpture.

After selling out consistently at major art fairs, his first Museum show last year (where a piece was stolen!), a collaboration with the New Museum, numerous public installations, such as Gnome Mountain, and getting into the hands of some major collectors, we realized the time was right for “Inappropration”.


Tufnell has created a totally immersive illuminated environment that encompasses the whole unlit gallery space. Viewing the work in this setting cleverly becomes an almost HD experience from a visual perspective. The subject matter of the work is a mini retrospective of the different series that have been been a hit for Tufnell over his career. as well as new unseen works created for the show.

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell

inappropration by sam tufnell