“Logging is the most dangerous job on the planet, the hazardous tree removal end of it, the climbing end of it, that’s another level of it, another level of danger.” Read
While the whole world has been in isolation during this global pandemic, we all got to share a universal feeling of constrain. Especially now the regulations are getting a bit more relaxed in most countries it is good to keep reminding us of these trying times. Read
Directly from Montreal, Quebec, the creative duo Valleduhamel collaborated with Katie Perry for her latest single video 'Daisies'. Read
London based 3D motion graphics designer based in London, Peter Tomaszewicz, just introduced us to the his latest film called 'The New Sleek' Read
Another great quarantine project with Jaguar giving us brand insights into their design process with a series of masterclass films produced to encourage creativity and skills development at home. Read
The Moscow-based creative design studio Superdesigners just released their latest passion project, a four-month odyssey into the creative process that weaves “the martial grace of the samurai with the textures and fabrics of a hi-tech clothing brand.” Read
On the one hand, you could consider the emergence of virtual raving as more convenient than actually going out to a party. No Uber fare, no anxiety as to whether the bouncer will let you or not, no overly-priced drinks, no bathroom line... Read
The bed-in-a-box wars started with the success of Casper in 2014, now... Read
Are you bored in this period of crisis? Stuck at Home and... Read