Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Topsy Turvy Kitchen

Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Artist Zeger Reyers debuts his work Rotating Kitchen at the Eat Art exhibition in Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf. Part performance art and part mechanized installation, the show begins when a woman starts to cook in a kitchen within a cube. When she steps out for a break, the whole room tilts on its axis, making a complete revolution every fifteen minutes. Food slides and falls, glassware clatters onto the floor and an uncorked bottle of wine splashes on the wall.


At the same time, the smells mingle and waft toward the audience. It is as if the kitchen is a huge mixing appliance for food, spices, herbs and kitchenware. In his statement, the artist says he reimagines the kitchen as a world and the world as a kitchen. “Where ingredients become food, which is being cooked up, heated, kept in the fridge, reheated, deep-frozen, put in the microwave, thrown away, left to rot.”


Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen

Zeger Revers Rotating Kitchen


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