The Posso’s Loft Featured on The Selby

Todd Selby of The Selby just paid a visit to our friends Marylouise Pels and Vanessa Giovacchini of Posso the Spat and DJ in their Downtown L.A. loft. These pics made me smile as I haven’t been there for a month or two and saw this beautiful grand royale we spoke of last time I was there magically appeared…

…another reason to smile was this black and white braided cashmere rope I made for them…

…everyday is a photoshoot with these two, so when it comes to drawing the line between the bedroom and the photo studio it becomes a very thin line…

… a taste of their disheveled glamour…

…spats and turntables, what more does a girl need?..

…and finally I am so glad that the farm animals were not left out of the mix, it really would not have been a fair depiction of pastime at the Posso’s.