pastry chef ksenia penkina

Pastry Chef Ksenia Penkina Brings Edge to Her Creations

The culinary creations of the Vancouver-based pastry chef Ksenia Penkina are pretty unique. She’s making gorgeous toppings, icings and cake dressings with some bright, uncommun colors and textures. Famous for having the most popular Mirror Glazed Cakes in Social Media with more than 300k followers on her Insta (@ksenia.penkina) her mesmerizing artistic cakes make any viewers jaw drop and crave for more (or crave for a bite).

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina a

pastry chef ksenia penkina b

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

pastry chef ksenia penkina

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