Transparency in Design


This is just out of this world! Transparent Design is apparently becoming a trend in Japan. I love my sleek streamline designs but the idea of transparency is so fresh I cant deny my envy.

Transparent Nikon D80

Transparent model of Nikon D80 DSLR camera


Transparent Refrigerator and Clothes Dryer

Transparent household electronics from Japan. The dryer uses natural dry air instead of loads of energy to do its job, and the fridge has a special “low waist line” to facilitate the transport of heavy items.


Transparent iPod Case

Getting sick of your black or white color iPod? Get this iVue Crystal case, it is a transparent casing for your iPod.


Transparent Canoe

This hard shell transparent canoe provides 100% visability. It weighs only 40 lbs and is lighter than most aluminum or wood canoes.


Transparent Mirror

The series of “fiction” mirrors designed by Jean-Marie Massaud are made in extralight glass with degrading shaded silvering.


Transparent Toaster

Creative concept design of a transparent toaster lets you see the bread while it is toasting.


article via Toxel