Camper store penades feat

New Camper’s store in Malaga by designer Jorge Penades

Spanish designer Jorge Penades is known for its experimental approach, exploring non conventional ideas with the aim of bringing innovative outcomes such as new materials or alternative architectural experiences.

Jorge Penades portrait

He was commissioned by Spanish footwear brand Camper to rethink their retail space in Malaga.

Penades first visited the brand headquarters in Binissalem, Mallorca. While entering one of the warehouse that works as a storage space, he immediately had one clear vision about the project. They decided to use the space as a temporary factory to start self-manufacturing the pieces for the store.

The whole team of Officina Penades moved to Mallorca to build the custom-designed pieces. They used three simple elements : perforated metal profiles, corner plates and bolts. They created a very unique shelving system that was used for every element of the store : display shelves, seats, checkout counter and lights as well as the brand logo and some typography.

Camper store penades

Camper store penadesCamper store penades

Camper store penades

Camper store penades

While keeping a raw and industrial aesthetic, the designer added a color code to bring a joyful atmosphere and define the function of every area. Wall displays are green, blue table displays for men and women and pink for kids, seating units are yellow and the paying station is red.

As part of the Camper Together project, this is the first time in the history of the company that someone is allowed to design and fabricate an entire shop with his own hands.

Camper store penadesCamper store Penades

Photos Credits : José Hevia, Future Positive