Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonne’s Installation Work

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonne uses his art in a minimalistic, verbal way to communicate with his audience. But only for the audience that truly observes, not just sees. Precision, shapes, reflections, absence of redundant details and colors work as catalysts for Sonne to express an existential and humanitarian confusion. Philosophy also applies to understand the deeper nature of his works with all its consequences: doubt, fear of the unknown, newfound knowledge, lack of meaning and words. Tools that not everyone understands to their full length but for the willing few, this intriguing art communication will be worth their while.

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work


Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

Kasper Sonnes Installation Work

For more information, visit: https://www.kaspersonne.com