john mellencamps soho loft

John Mellencamp’s Industrial Soho Loft [ New York ]

Meg Ryan fiancé, the musician and artist John Mellencamp chose Soho to establish his home and studio. Mellencamp hired his longtime friend Trevor Goff to do the industrial-style interior design.

Exposed brick and piping, lots of mirrors and steel doors, his Soho loft looks almost like a furniture store with all his furnishings carefully chosen by Mellencamp himself, all coming from his six warehouses in Bloomington, Indiana.

john mellencamps soho loft

“I never throw anything away—never,” he says, noting that he keeps six warehouses that are filled with furniture, art, magazines, and musical instruments. And cars and motorcycles. “I have furniture that I bought when I first started buying furniture in my 20s. I have clothing that would not fit me at all. I don’t throw anything away—not a drawing, nothing.”

john mellencamps soho loft

john mellencamps soho loft

john mellencamps soho loft

john mellencamps soho loft

john mellencamps soho loft

john mellencamps soho loft

john mellencamps soho loft

Photography by William Abranowicz.