sofie bird moller mixed media

Sofie Bird Moller’s Mixed media Painting

sofie bird moller mixed media

“Creativity with a mind of its own” is what comes to mind when observing Sofie Bird‘s mixed media art. Unrestrained, Bird creates images where she paints over the ugly and the beautiful parts. From the pixel-ized form, she transitions to raw, vivid creativity, turning the image into a paint canvas, exploding with colors. Her work is a reverse of the route that has been followed up until now: from the paintbrush to the airbrush. Almost like some kind of an artistic inception: art within the art.

sofie bird moller mixed media

sofie bird moller mixed media

sofie bird moller mixed media

sofie bird moller mixed media

sofie bird moller mixed media

sofie bird moller mixed media

sofie bird moller mixed media

sofie bird moller mixed media

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