Toro Y Moi : Miss Ya

Toro Y Moi is the recording name of Chaz Bundick from South Carolina and this isn’t the first time I have written about him. Earlier this year Bundick released Causers of This, a record that not only received great press but also set the bar high for the large group of artist trying to do the glo-fi thing. Causers of This might have been the record that put Toro Y Moi on the map, but Bundick has been making music for a while now and it all seems to be great.

I don’t remember how I stumbled upon the track “Miss Ya” and I don’t believe it has seen a proper release. It is nothing like Bundick’s material as of late and definitely has a 90’s indie rock feel reminiscent of American Analog Set… And although a lot of friends would poke fun, I love American Analog Set. “Miss Ya” is simple, yet conveys a lot of emotion in very few words, and when the drums/shakers kick in… You don’t just have to lay in bed and cry, you can get up and move around to your sad situation. Maybe it’s because the song speaks to what I am currently going through, maybe I’m just “emo” at heart or maybe it’s the giant build with swelling harmonies… Either way “Miss Ya” is a great track. “God I’ll miss ya, God I’ll need ya… Can you be there for me?”

Listen to “Miss Ya” here

[mp3j track=”Miss-Ya.mp3″]

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