HARE_jan pypers

The Mysterious Hare

A mysterious hare-like creature surrounds a bewildering female figure in a fine-looking editorial by Antwerp-based photographer Jan Pypers.

It’s all about well placed shadows, sharp angles and picturesque locations this time around.


There are two main elements skillfully stage-managed by Pypers: dreams and paranoia. The hare is seen hidden on conspicuous corners, to casually sitting on a windowsill; this character drifts from one extreme to the other effortlessly, always casual and calm. The female character is the opposite, bringing obvious drama to the forefront. The surrealism of the hare with the paranoia of the dame in distress.


The art direction is ingenious, this editorial wouldn’t feel out of place next to the universe of David Lynch and his own human-like hares.


HARE_jan pypers

HARE_jan pypers

HARE_jan pypers

HARE_jan pypers

HARE_jan pypers

HARE_jan pypers


See more from Jan Pypers at: www.janpypers.be