olfactive studio still life

Olfactive Studio, Combining Perfume & Photography

olfactive studio

Considering both photography and fragrance intimately capture our moments and memories, Olfactive Studio is a great new range combining images with scents, making for a modern and offbeat result. They have paired perfumers and photographers to create lasting images, both in our eye and nose, and explore an unexpected alchemy.  So far, they have created Lumiere Blanche, Flashback, Autoportrait, Chambre Noire, and Still Life, each capturing the essence of a photo by the likes of Massimo Vitali, Laurent Segretier, and Fédéric Lebain.

olfactive studio massimo vitali

olfactive studio

olfactive studio autoportrait

olfactive studio chambre noire

olfactive studio still life

olfactive studio

For more information, visit www.olfactivestudio.com