Oil Monkey Furniture

Hong Kong based design studio Oil Monkey is celebrating their 3rd anniversary. Main designer and owner Fuquan Junze is presenting their new furniture pieces. Simple and clean, I really like the mix of materials, like oak  and plastic, or wood and stainless steal.

This Curene chair is made of oak and PMMA.

This bowl-like clock with two sets of lamps is made of 12 big lamps represent hours, 60 small lamps for minutes.

These chairs, in memoriam: Li Fu Quan & Huang Jing Yun, are made of wood and stainless steel.

The Perspective shelf is designed on the basis of the principles of perspective drawing and made of oak.

“The definition of a query has a greater ponder value compared to the query itself, it is because we often neglect what we are actually pondering about, and what needs are we actually asking for. The design should not be purely existed only for the sense of aesthetic, its existence also coheres with its own significance and individual theory; these components are being mutually diverted to generate the indivisible relationship.”

More info on Behance & Oilmonkey.com