Los Carpinteros Surrealist Sculptures

Large scale paintings, sculptures and installations are just a few of the creations seen here by Havana-based artist collective Los Carpinteros.  Formed in 1994 at by Marco Antonio Castillo Valdés and Dagoberto Rodríguez Sánchez (with fellow Cuban Alexandre Arrechea until his departure in 2003), Los Carpinteros operate in the tradition of guild artisans and laborers, renouncing the idea of individual authorship in favor of group collaboration.  Inspired by the materials, Los Carpinteros’ process investigates the way art is made.  Mixing architecture, design and sculpture, the pieces are first conceived in drawings, then carefully executed in their studio with wood and hand tools, fabricated in way of a carpenter.  The beguiling end result–handsome construction, unexpected contradictions, and a playful dose of humor.
