LEGO Man : Nathan Sawaya


Flying Back from NY yesterday, I was flipping through the American Airlines Magazine and found an article on LEGO Sculptor Nathan Sawaya, which lead me into my next nap and a whole new set of dreams. Like many of us Sawaya had a childhood obsession with LEGO‘s, possible the most brilliant toy ever invented, but his obsession exceeded his childhood and led him into the career of a lifetime. Shortly after he had started to produce and document these sculptures in 2000, Sawaya was recognized and hired by LEGO as a master sculptor. This was a short lived career since it only took him a few months to realize that he did not need LEGO to continue this passion and work. He was being commissioned pieces from all over the world, which were selling for up to $65,000. As my nap continued I dreamt of a couture collection of tailored garments that I would commission Sawaya to produce for a private exhibition in Dubai. So if this inspires you like it did me you can contact Nathan Sawaya, LEGO master through his website, Brick Artist.