Boris Ovini for Exhibition Magazine #2

Ottowa born, Paris based photographer Boris Ovini creates a mesmerizing story for the “Leather” issue of Exhibition Magazine #2.  Along with models Valerija Kelava , Chloe Memisevic and an enormous dark horse, Ovini explores leather in an homage with duality, and the modern woman’s psyche. He has an ability to peer deep into the resulting emotions without disrupting the models internal focus, so we really feel like we’re getting into the heads and souls of these haunting women.  In this series the leather used as fashion imagery, styled by Anna Schiffel, becomes utilitarian, raw and sexualized, and juxtaposed with the strength of the massive, gorgeous dark horse, this series is a soulful and dangerous journey……all set against a very dark back round with beautiful lighting, an elegant and hardcore story with magical implications emerges.

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