andrea mary marshall gia condo

Andrea Mary Marshall’s Gia Condo

Like many artists before her, Leonardo DaVinci’s Mona Lisa, the most recognizable and replicated painting in the world, has inspired the latest work of New York artist Andrea Mary MarshallHer solo show “Gia Condo” opened recently, in which the “subject of all subjects” is explored in various media, bursting forth from a collection of full scale paintings (13 to be exact), photographed portraits, films, and live performances.  Drawing inspiration from the renderings of Dali, Duchamp, Warhol and others, Marshall explores the enigmatic masculine energies ever-present within DaVinci’s masterpiece, even liberating them through the power of drag.  Marshall, who previously explored the female archetype in her last show Toxic Women, brings her exploration full circle in this showing with performances in character as Gia Condo, her alter ego.

andrea mary marshall gia condo

andrea mary marshall gia condo

andrea mary marshall gia condo

andrea mary marshall gia condo

andrea mary marshall gia condo

andrea mary marshall gia condo

andrea mary marshall gia condo

andrea mary marshall gia condo

andrea mary marshall gia condo

on view through February 16th

Allegra LaViola Gallery
179 E Broadway, New York, NY 10002
(917) 463-3901

Closed Mondays
for more, visit