nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

Amazing Photorealistic Paintings by Nathan Walsh

nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

By now you should know that we have a weakness for Photorealistic painters, and when we find a new one, we feel oblige to introduce it to you (especially when he paints our favorite city). Here is the amazing work British painter Nathan Walsh. His style is flawless and every paintings looks like a photograph. The reflections and shadows are beautifully executed and Walsh final painting are masterpiece. Enjoy some of our favorite below.

nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

By using simple mathematical ratios I can begin to describe concrete form within my picture plane. Over a period of time I will draw and redraw buildings, manipulating their height, width or nature in relation to other pictorial elements. By introducing spatial recession to these elements I aim to present a world the viewer can enter into and move around.

nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

Duplicating the flatness of a photograph or a series of stitched together photographs is of no interest to me. A camera lens will have a fixed focal length and a software package will obey a set of algorithms. The reproduction in paint of these mechanical processes negates the human experience of responding to the world.

nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings
nathan walsh new york photorealistic paintings

See more of his work at